665 962 695
biuro@4chemicals.plProducent: 4 CHEMICALS Sp. z o.o. |
Numer katalogowy: PP-0001 |
Kod EAN: |
Storage: Tightly sealed plastic or steel containers with the possibility of heating. Do not allow the storage temperature to fall below 0°C due to the possibility of freezing the product and damage to the packaging. Caution: viscosity of the passivator increases rapidly at temperatures below 20°C
Waste utilization: The spilled passivator should be mixed with sand to obtain a thickened consistency. Collect the resulting mass with a sulfuric acid solution and mix. The neutralization process should be stopped after reaching a pH close to neutral. During neutralization, the passivator will take the form of a gelatinous deposit. Collect the sediment into containers. Further proceedings - in accordance with the recommendations of the local environmental protection institution.
Packaging : 1000 l pallet container
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